Umbria Wellness: THE FIRST Umbrian consortium dedicated to the wellness tourism

Umbria is a region where natural landscapes and man’s traces give harmony to the spiritual places together with places with strong physical and mental pleasure. They communicate peacefulness and balance, in a natural oasis where the experiences and the cultural discovers create a mental imagine that hard to faint in everybody who has spent even a few days here.

In this scenery, in August, the Umbria wellness consortium (Consorzio Umbria Wellness) Club Vitae, was established on regional level. It puts together receptive touristic structures in Umbria such as old residences, charm relais, agritourisms, country houses, hotels with beauty-farms, wellness centre and SPA, selected because particular and well equipped to offer high quality products and services aimed to enjoy a full wellness whilst your holiday.

Umbria Wellness - Club Vitae is the first Umbrian Consortium focused on the wellness, a kind of collaboration among companies working on the promotion and on the marketing of a touristic product aimed to a medium-high target both Italian and foreign. Our ideal guests look for relaxing situations, Energy restore and a psycho-physical wellness inside wonderful natural contests full of interesting cultural realities.

The establishment of the Consortium had been waited for such a long time as in a complete and full harmony with promoting and marketing strategies of the “Umbrian product” as reported in the Regional law about the 2006 tourism reform. The strategies are based on a strict collaboration between private companies and institutions.

The innovative characteristic of the Umbria Wellness Club - Club Vitae is to understand the change in the tourists’ approach, from a tourism based on destinations to a tourism based on motivations. A natural change towards situations where the level of tourism is higher, giving the possibility to diversify the offer and to give it more chances out of the usual tourist seasons. This should introduce innovative aspects even in the organization of the single companies.